Friday, December 25, 2015

Fear of dentists, you can simply get rid it

 fear, fear of dontists, Fear of needles, Dental fear, Dental phobia, Dental anxiety, odontophobia    
The first thing you should be know about your fear of dentist it's just a negative feeling.The evidence for that is a many people doesn't suffer from fear of dentist.
On the contrary, a lot of people who suffer from pain in the teeth and the molars,  the first thing they do quickly is a visit the dentist without fear from him, to get rid the horrible pains of mouth.
Someone said: I have visited the dentist many times and I do not have a problem with it. The fillings and cleaning is not something to be afraid off. There could be some "sensation feeling" but it is not a lot of pain even on pulling the teeth since there is anesthesia. Better to discuss first your discussion with the dentist so that he/she could adjust on your situation and would know the best way to handle you.
Dont make your fear of dentists a reason to bear the pains of your teeth because that fear isn't real. you can easily free yourself from it.

fear, fear of dontists, Fear of needles, Dental fear, Dental phobia, Dental anxiety, odontophobia

Some tips can help you to get rid from fear of dentist :
  •  Recognition your fear 
  • Write your specific fears 
  • Discover the cause of your fears
  • Understanding that dental procedures have improved a lot 
  • Can you take a friend with you
 Be aware that your fear of the dentist is normal, and there is no reason to be embarrassed by your fear of the dentist, a many people they have this feeling of fear.

Be honest with yourself and write on paper a list of all the premonitions that make you scared of visiting the dentist, This will help you to determine your fears with high concentration to be able to understand it.Take this list to the dentist with you and discuss your fears with her. She can probably offer rational explanations for whatever is causing your fear.

fear, fear of dontists, Fear of needles, Dental fear, Dental phobia, Dental anxiety, odontophobia

If you cannot identify a specific cause that is the source of your fear, it may be from a negative imagination or a social fear, like a dental horror stories from friends or a movie or anything else.
The awareness of the sources of your fear from dentist can help you progressively overcome the fear. Simply recognition your fears  between  yourself may be the only thing you need to overcome them .

Gone are the dys of large anesthetic needles. Understanding improvements in dental treatments may help alleviate your fears.
There are many new methods for treating dental issues such as cavities. There are drills with a button to stop when you want or even laser methods to remove the infected area.
Many dentists are also making their offices less clinical with softer color palettes and removing the typical smells often associated with dental visits.

People often feel better if a friend comes with them to the practice. Think about what would suit you best. A reassuring and capable friend is often a great help.

Reasons of fear from dentists 
People develop fears from dentist for many different reasons. When researchers interview patients,with that, a few common themes emerge such as :
  • Fear of anaesthesia
  • Fear of choking
  • Fear of diagnosis
  • Fear of embarrassment
  • Fear of future dental work
  • Fear of needles
  • Fear of pain
  • Fear of feeling powerless
  • Fear of sound the operation
The  difference faces of dental fear  :
There are varying degrees of fears from dentist . At the extreme, a person with fear of dentist  may never see a dentist. Others may force themselves to go.
Fear of dentist or dental fear (also called dental phobia, odontophobia,) it's a divided to three levels :
  •  Dental fear : is a reaction to a known danger  which involves a fight-or-  flight response when confronted with the threatening stimulus.
  • Dental phobia :  like other mental disorders, can be treated. Without treatment, dental phobia is likely to get worse over time. That's partly because emotional stress can make dental visits more uncomfortable than they need to be.
  • Dental anxiety : is a reaction to an unknown danger. Most people experience some degree of dental anxiety especially if they’re about to have something done which they’ve never experienced before. Basically, it’s a fear of the unknown.
You can see this video about fear of dentist phobia
 The important to visit dentist in your life:
Taking care of your teeth and mouth means more than brushing and flossing. For complete care, it’s important to visit a dentist every 6 months for a regular control and professional purgation. The first step is finding a dentist with whom you feel comfortable, and then arrange an appointment with him.  
Trust me the negative feeling of fear from dentist is pain you much more than dentist can do .
fear, fear of dontists, Fear of needles, Dental fear, Dental phobia, Dental anxiety, odontophobia
Just a bad  idea in your head with a negative focus of feeling.The fear of dentists it’s nothing, say it to yourself and confront it, you well see that your fear simply is nothing .


References and sources :
Dental fear on wikipedia
How to Overcome Fear of the Dentist on : wikihow
How to get over dentist angxiety on : youtube